

Professional Imaging, LLC is recognized by Medicare as a group medical practice. A group medical practice must have a physician in a direct ownership position; therefore, it is held to the highest standards by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, Texas Bureau of Radiation Control, the Community Standard of Practice, Medicare Guidelines, and the Hippocratic Oath that professes, “…to do no harm and to act in the best interest of the patient.”

Our practice performs thorough consultations in dysphagia evaluation and management when requested by the primary care physician through an order for a Modified Barium swallow study (MBSS). In the same manner a consult is requested for any other licensed physician, Professional Imaging documents all evaluations through a detailed report and videotape, provides follow-up on each patient, and is phone available 7 days a week, even after hours.

All Professional Imaging testing facilities are staffed with a licensed physician, a certified speech language pathologist, and a driver/technician whom aids in transportation of patients to and from facilities. The physician compiles a complete medical history of each patient by performing extensive chart review, interview of family, staff, or patient as appropriate. Once a patient’s case history is completed the doctor then performs a focus-expanded physical exam of the patient along with the radiographic MBSS in conjunction with the speech language pathologist. Upon completion of the consultation, recommendations are made to the primary care physician, facility SLP, and facility nursing staff . Professional Imaging maintains a professional on-going doctor/patient relationship.

Professional Imaging Philosophy

Through use of state of the art videoflouroscopy equipment and certified, licensed, and proficient staff, Professional Imaging commits to providing cost effective, timely, and ethical dysphagia consultations including a Modified Barium Swallow Study. Not only will we provide efficient delivery of high quality services, but we will also be dedicated to treating each and every patient with dignity and respect. Monthly quality assurance meetings and feedback from satisfaction surveys completed by your facility will ensure that we continually strive to be the leader in service providers of specialized dysphagia evaluations.

Insurance Policies

Professional Imaging’s current insurance portfolio boasts malpractice insurance, general liability insurance, individual medical liability coverage, and auto insurance. This diverse insurance portfolio totals in excess of 6 million dollars. These cumulative and necessary policies provide liability coverage beginning with transport of the patient from your facility and ending upon safe return of the patient to your facility. We even have liability coverage up to 2 years in case any alleged malpractice events occur. The one million dollar policy Professional Imaging has to cover medical malpractice is in addition to individual medical malpractice held by each licensed and certified professional. This policy covers the doctor-patient relationship and any incidents that might arise from this specific relationship. It is our commitment to keep all policies current. Documentation will be provided upon request.


Joan E. Baumer, M.D., Owner-partner

Piper Harris, M.A, CCC-SLP, Owner-partner